
Our staff at Stoney Point Montessori Preschool & Infant Care are well trained and qualified teachers who take great pride in their profession. Our experienced teachers understand that when the bond between home and school is closely knit, the child feels connected and secure, awakening his/her natural abilities. The teachers are eager to share the joy of Montessori and to offer a rich, engaging environment prepared especially for your child. Our Montessori teachers function as facilitators of learning; as such they are the designers of the environment, resource person, guide, role model, demonstrator, and meticulous observer and recorder of each student’s behavior and growth. All of our teachers hold the required early childhood education credentials as well as Montessori training certificates. Our entire staff participates in continuing education efforts in child development and on-going Montessori training sessions.


Our philosophy is based upon Dr. Maria Montessori’s vast understanding of children and their natural tendencies to explore and become independent. Montessori is an approach to working with children that is carefully based on what has been learned about children’s cognitive, neurological and emotional development. In early childhood, Montessori students learn through sensory-motor activities, as well as working with materials that develop their cognitive skills through direct experience: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, and movement.

Children are innately curious about the world around them, and the classroom is a place where the child is able to move freely and choose from a multitude of fascinating materials to interact with, in a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that all children are unique and learn at their own pace. Children should always have the opportunity to advance and develop according to their pace. Maria Montessori believed that instead of forcefully teaching a child, teachers should instead become “directors” and “quietly follow the child” to understand what interests the child and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. By observing the child carefully, our trained Montessori teachers are able to create learning experiences and cater a curriculum based on the individual child to encourage real learning and growth, giving children the ability to be active participants in their educational journey.

At Stoney Point Montessori Preschool & Infant Care, each child progresses at his or her own pace – free to choose from work with a world of vivid “sensorial” materials and tools of “discovery.” Our dedicated staff encourages independent thinking and individual learning. We work toward the enhancement of each child’s awareness of and participation in the “wholeness of life.”

Stoney Point Montessori Preschool & Infant Care’s method is based on respect of the individual child and their timetable for growth and development. Each day we strive to:
  • Awaken a love of learning, a passion for knowledge, and a joy of creativity in each student.
  • Provide a peaceful, secure, prepared environment where children long to be.
  • Help children discover their abilities, find their independence and develop their self confidence.
  • Foster a strong sense of self, respect for others and an ability to work as part of a group.
  • Develop a strong academic foundation and a repertoire of life skills in each of our students.
  • Create and provide programs which will heighten a child’s development through the processes of exploration and discovery with concrete materials, while nurturing a natural curiosity and a love of learning.
  • Provide a reliable source of care, support, information and training for families.

Our Mission

Our mission is providing an enriching and challenging educational environment where each child is encouraged to grow to his or her fullest potential academically, emotionally, and socially. We are here to provide all children with a quality education that empowers and enables them to pursue their higher education.

Stoney Point Montessori Preschool & Infant Care does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.


The Montessori method was established in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori. She was the first female to become a physician in Italy. As a scientist, she first observed children and their learning process. Through her observations she discovered that children teach themselves from experiencing the environment they are in. This lead her to design the “prepared environment” which is a learning environment designed with “developmentally appropriate” material for children to choose freely.

Dr. Montessori designed the educational system so that the child learns using all five senses, where he moves from concrete learning to abstract learning. Traditionally children learn mainly by listening, watching or reading, and they learn to follow pre set patterns or formulas which are mainly abstract. The Montessori child learns on his / her own, at his / her own pace, choosing freely the topics and activities he / she would like to explore. The prepared environment of a Montessori class holds hundreds of topics and activities. In this class, learning is an exciting journey of exploration which leads to self motivation, self correction, self discipline, focus and accountability, where the child will cultivate the love of learning.

A few differences in approach of Montessori vs. Traditional

Montessori Education

  • Emphasis on cognitive structure and social development
  • The guide (teacher) has an inconspicuous role in the classroom and activity. The Child is the main role and is an active participant.
  • The method and process in the class encourages internal self-discipline.
  • Children are encouraged to teach, collaborate, become creative and help each other.
  • Curriculum is exploration of the child’s interests and the environment is thoughtfully prepared to allow the child to choose.

Traditional Education

  • Emphasis on rote knowledge and social development
  • Teacher takes a main role and determines the learning activity and the child is a passive participant.
  • The teacher acts as the enforcer of external discipline.
  • Teacher driven learning.
  • The learning is structured for the child with little regard for the child’s interests.

In Montessori, classes are divided into three year age groups 0-3yrs, 3-6 yrs, 6-9yrs, 9-12yrs and so on. This allows the natural learning of a young child, who looks to his older peers for learning, and the older child who becomes proficient of his knowledge by teaching the younger peers, to occur. It creates a community of students who are empathetic, patient and confident.

The two major organizations offering Montessori training in the United States are the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI, with a U.S. branch office called AMI-USA) and the American Montessori Society (AMS). Most training centers require a bachelor’s degree for admission. Training ranges from 200 to 600 pre-service contact hours and covers principles of child development and Montessori philosophy as well as specific uses of the Montessori classroom materials. Montessori training centers can be found across North America and around the world.

NAMTA research studies have found that Montessori children are well prepared for later life academically, socially, and emotionally. They have found that they score well on standardized tests, and are ranked above average on such criteria as following directions, turning in work on time, listening attentively, using basic skills, showing responsibility, asking thought provoking questions, coming up with creative solutions, showing enthusiasm for learning, and adapting to new situations with ease.